There are several very common misconceptions regarding the determination of a boundary which are often at the centre of the disagreement with neighbours over the boundary. Litigation of disputes can often be complicated and costly and even if successful it is unlikely that all costs will be recovered.
If advice is taken early in the process, then often the misconceptions can be eliminated and the facts, process and costs involved in boundary determination can be explained. Early assessment of the issue can then be made by an appraisal of the documentary evidence to hand and the physical evidence on the ground. This will enable initial advice to be given on the rights and wrongs of any claim and possible outcome of any dispute resolution or litigation that may be pursued. From our experience most simple domestic boundary issues can be resolved with this approach.
Our experience is mostly with residential and commercial property with small boundaries that do not necessitate extensive measurement with electronic surveying instruments, which would require the services of a Land Surveyor. We are however happy to provide initial assessment
and appraisal on larger boundary issues.
Where is the boundary!